The Global Cleantech Innovation Program (GCIP) is a key initiative of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). It focuses on promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in CleanTech to create new green-oriented jobs.

GCIP provides comprehensive business acceleration services designed for early-stage CleanTech startups and SMEs. Participants receive support to develop and validate robust business models while enhancing CleanTech and entrepreneurship ecosystems. Joining GCIP Kazakhstan provides potential applicants with access to extensive training, international expert mentoring, and valuable worldwide networking opportunities. Participants also have the chance to secure funding and gain global market exposure.

If you are a startup or SME meeting the requirements, we encourage you to apply for the GCIP Kazakhstan Accelerator and lead CleanTech innovation for positive environmental and economic impact.

What is GCIP Kazakhstan?

Kazakhstan is the first country in Central Asia to join the Global Cleantech Innovation Program (GCIP). Last year, more than 100 projects applied and 45 were selected to GCIP Accelerator 2023. As a result 22 startups reached the semi-finals after receiving international training from NGIN experts and mentoring support. Moreover, two Kazakhstani teams were among the TOP-6 finalists out of 22 international representations at the global GCIP competition at Cleantech Days 2024 in Vienna. Furthermore, the Ozen-M startup secured second place prize as the “most promising business.”

Even after graduation, startups alumni and GCIP Kazakhstan national experts continue community building through the GCIP advanced acceleration and post-acceleration programs. Most of the innovative ideas and solutions developed by these startups are potentially scalable globally. This motivates International Green Technologies & Investments Center (IGTIC), the primary operator of the GCIP program in Kazakhstan, to double the efforts to develop an effective ecosystem for CleanTech startups. Adhering to the principles of inclusivity and diversity, GCIP Kazakhstan Accelerator ensures to be accessible to both women and men from all regions of the country. With government support, the 3-year GCIP Kazakhstan program will foster over 100 new companies to expand them to the global CleanTech market.