GCIP 2024 | Application

Section 1

Applicant Details

First thing first.

Is your team/company based in or does it have a significant portion of your operations in Egypt ?

Is the company woman-led (C-level (CEO, CFO, COO, etc.) or owning part of the company as a founder)?

To participate in the 2024 GCIP Egypt Accelerator, the team/company must be represented by at least two committed people. Team member details will be collected in Section 2.

Please, insert team leader information

If not Egypt do you have legal residency?


Thank you for applying
We will use your email address to contact you and send the link to resume the application.
Please check your junk email

Want early bird benefits? Complete and save the Sections 1 - 3   as soon as possible, so that you may be contacted to join


Once you start to fill in the form,
you can resume your application
by clicking on the link sent to your email address.

To receive the unique link again, insert your email

(If you cannot find the mail, please check also the junk folder)

Have you changed your email address or need support? Contact us here